Bodegas Aragonesas
The Bodegas Aragonesas winery has the most vineyards of any winery in the Campo de Borja DO of Spain.
With 3,500 hectares of grapevines, the Bodegas Aragonesas winery has vineyards spread through the majority of the Campo de Borja DO. These vineyards are spread through a host of terroirs that follow the foothills of the Iberian Mountain range to the northernmost regions of the Zaragoza province. The majority of these grapevines have a southeast orientation and sloping soils.
The red wines crafted by the Bodegas Aragonesas of the Campo de Borja are crafted mostly from Grenache Noir grapes. The Grenache grapes of this winery´s vineyards are considered to be the elite Grenache grapes of the world for the age of the grapevines along with their relatively high yields.
One of the grand Grenache wines of the Bodegas Aragonesas winery is Fagus, which is a single varietal Grenache Noir. This winery also has the Coto de Hayas series which is a Grenache Noir dominated red wine blend crafted along with Tempranillo, Cabernet Sauvignon, and Syrah.
- Address of Winery: Ctra. de Magallón s/n
- City: Fuendejalón
- Province: Zaragoza
- Postal Code: 50529
- Country: Spain
- Phone Number: (+34) 976 862 363
- Does this winery offer guided tours? No
- Does this winery offer tourist services? No
Denomination of Origen:
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