
The Fuidio winery is a new winery of the Rioja, Spain, but it was founded from a long tradition of family grape cultivation which is well reflected in their wines.  

The Fuidio family began making wine in 1999 with their vineyards in the Rioja that had 25 hectares of grapevines in the Yécora province of Álava. Currently, these grapevines have a medium age of 20 years-old. The Fuidio family would bring their harvests to different winemakers each year. These grapevines were planted on lands that this family inherited from their grandparents, and they also inherited grapevines. In 1999 the Fuidio winery was founded with their new facilities and the capacity to store 230,000 liters of wine in stainless steel vats.   

The Fuidio family is proud to tell the story of their excellent winery. Rubén Fuidio stated that all of his life he was surrounded by vineyards and tools used to cultivate grapevines. His family gradually accumulated the 25 hectares of grapevines they have today at the foothills of the Sierra de Cantabria in the Rioja, through buying grapevines and planting their own. All of these parcels are characterized by their south-southwest orientation, which is ideal for grape ripening in this region. Rubén Fuidio also explained that his parents had always sold their grapes to large wineries when he was growing up and as a result he always desired to take the next step and produce his own wines. Therefore, he convinced his family to start selling their grapes in bulk to the Rioja wineries so that they could save up money and in 2010 they were finally able to present their own wine from their grapes.

The year 2010 marked the first ever Fuidio vintage to be released. This was a red wine that carried the family name, Fuidio 2010. In 2011 Fuidio also crafted a young white wine and in 2012 they crafted their famous Fuidio Iraley wine. The red wine vintage from the Fuidio winery, despite it youthfulness, is a very well-balanced Spanish Tempranillo. This wine presents very flavorful fruit expressions, along with stupendous tannins and acidity that are very well-integrated. Surely this wine´s youthfulness is absolutely not a negative aspect of this wine.   

Today the Bodega Rubén Fuidio winery in the Rioja continues to put more efforts, enthusiasm, and affection into their vineyards and winery to craft the best wines possible. This is a Fuidio family legacy handed down from their ancestors. Clearly, the Fuidio winery has a very bright future.


  • Founded in: 1999
  • Address of Winery: C/ San Bartolomé,32
  • City: Yécora
  • Province: Álava
  • Postal Code: 01322
  • Country: Spain
  • Does this winery offer guided tours? Yes
  • Does this winery offer tourist services?  No

Denomination of Origen:


Grape Varietales:


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